The Spectacular Now (MOVIE) directed by James Ponsoldt

Still from the Spectacular Now.(2013)
Directed by James Ponsoldt
Notable Actors: Miles Teller as Sutter, Shailene Woodly as Aimee, and Brie Larson as Cassidy.

Rating: 3 out of 10.
I immediately deleted all evidence of this movie from my computer...I was so embarrassed by it.


Sutter Keely is an adolescent on the cusp of adulthood. He will graduate high school soon, but Sutter doesn't worry about it, its in the future, and he's all about the now. He thinks the present is the only important thing in the world to worry about, and makes decisions accordingly. From dating, to his job (he works at a Men's Warehouse type of shop,) to not carrying about the fact he may not pass his math class to graduate; everything is arbitrary if it doesn't affect him now. Then he meets Aimee. She aspires and has hopes for the future and tries to show Sutter there is more to live than the town they are in and constantly having a beverage of the adult variety in your hand. Sutter starts to learn more about himself and why he shut off futuristic thoughts, while trying to connect with Aimee and live life in the 'now.'

This gif sums up my whole reaction to this movie.
This movie was the wrong/right choice to watch before bed. Wrong in the fact that I wanted to watch and oh, so right in the fact that I wanted to take a goddamn nap throughout it. The movie does not have a sense of direction, it just seems like someone is just living life and we are following the boring part of the documentary. Seriously, this story would have been better through ANYONE else's eyes. Sutter is an unimaginative, boring guy who will end up staying in that town forever, being a dead-beat and working probably at that men's clothing store while being a lush. This kid is in his last year of high school and drinks more alcohol than a fish does water. How does he get so much alcohol? He's not legal enough to buy it! His dad bought a pitcher of beer and gave it to him at a bar....and to his girlfriend. Last time I checked the laws, that's super illegal. My parents tried to buy me a freakin' drink at Applebee's once, and they told me to go to hell, and drinking with a parent is in fact, LEGAL. You can't just pass a drink off to someone who isn't your kid. All in all, these not real instances of life and the boring dragging feeling of this movie was miserable.

This post was written by Kate Busto, the author of this blog, in her most honest opinion. She does not take credit for the performances of the actors, writing, or anything to do with the making of the film. All words used in blog post, are of the bloggers own opinion and words, unless stated otherwise. All pictures and gifs used in post are not original, and clicking can lead back to the original file source.


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