The League (TV SHOW)

The Shiva. A trophy that the
guys in The League worship.
Season One
Format: Netflix
Genre: Comedy/Sports

Rating: 7.5 out of 10. Not quite a 7, but not yet an 8.

I needed a quick series to charge through with I was sick for the final day of isolation before I can get back to real life. What's the point in starting something that will take forever to finish? Season One of the League is literally six episodes of people who are outrageous and hilarious, but have one passion and goal in their poor lives, fantasy football. From newly-divorced Pete, to Kevin and Jenny (where Jenny sets the line-ups and does the work for Kevin), to Ruxin who tinkers all the time, Taco who doesn't know which way is up and sleeps with more women than conceivably possible, to finally Andre (the plastic surgeon who has bad fashion taste and is usually the butt of all jokes.) These friends have a 'league of their own' and draft fantasy football players and trade favors in real life for players, game watching time, and other football related things. From Andre being 'trade-raped' at a couples spa weekend with Pete to Jenny blackmailing Ruxin so his wife doesn't find out about his masturbation techniques, these people don't give up winning a trophy with the high school photo of Shiva up for anything.

First episode, and Taco is using a unicorn as a bong.
This show gets to be pretty funny, but sometimes I feel like its too short. It's a half-hour long show, but I can't see them making it longer and it being a success. That in mind, the only thing that seems to change episode to episode is what everyone is willing to bet/give away to get the best line-up in the League to win the Shiva. Why I rated it higher though? The one-liners. There are very few shows where characters can say one-line and immediately instill hilarity before moving onto another situation or joke.

If you are looking for a show that isn't that serious and want to kill some time, the League is great for you.


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