Kiss of Fire (Imdalind #1) [BOOK] by Rebecca Ethington

A Kiss of Fire. by Rebeccas Ethington.
Read it here on Amazon, for Free
Kiss of Fire (Imdalind #1)
Written by Rebecca Ethington
Genre: YA Novel
Format: Kindle

Rating: 8 out of 10. Pretty good for being a free book. WHOAH.

Joclyn Despain has been plagued by a scar. On her neck, its what keeps her from wanting to blend in and not stand out. She believes it drove her father away, and she uses it as a crutch to stay away from her childhood friend, Ryland, and her crush too. Ryland's father, Edmund, doesn't approve of their relationship though and wants them to be pulled apart from each other. He's a cruel, harsh, and cold man. Joclyn and Ryland grow closer and closer as time goes on. They share pie with each other, climb trees, and start to fall in love. As Ryland goes in for the big smooch on Joclyn, he sees her scar....turns out it is a mark by a creature that makes certain people special, with powers. Certain people have been tracking and hunting down these Imdalind children, and Joclyn isn't safe. Ryland's father is hunting them down, and has been for years. Ryland swears that he will protect and take care of Joclyn with his dying breath. Joclyn escapes, falls through a window, and wakes up in the protection of other not-so-human creatures, Wyn and Ilyan. She learns different magic techniques and ways to fight to protect herself, while learning the necklace that Ryland gaves her is a connection to him, and they can then communicate through their dreams/thoughts. Turns out, Ryland's father is trying to erase Ryland from his own mind and take over his body. While with Ilyan and Wyn, she discovers that maybe she has feelings for Ilyan too.

Even The Doctor believes its odd.
So, I wasn't expecting anything out of this book. The cover looked uninteresting and it was a free book. Usually a free Kindle book means weird and rather uninteresting love stories. I have to say, I'm sure shocked. Yes, it was a slow start to the book and focused so much on creating a relationship that is moving from an ingrained friendship to a dating couple. Afterwards, the actual questions start to be answered. I'm also soooooo glad that it isn't the standard vampires, werewolves, or aliens arch that everyone is in love with. Ethington actually is intelligent to appeal to a somewhat psychotic group of fan girls, but write it in new and refreshing ways.

This story is sooooo good. That's it. Stupified. Read it here on Amazon, for Free


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