The Most Popular Girls in School (MINI-SERIES)

The Most Popular Girls in School. 2013. Youtube.
Episodes 1-42
Format: Youtube
Channel: MPGiS
Genre: Comedy/Stop Animation

Rating: 6 out of 10

Summarizing this is hard, and probably the easiest thing to do ever. These are a lot of girls in high school who are probably the worst people you will ever meet on the history of the world. They make the people on It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia look like moderately decent people. The characters are hilarious! There is Deandra, who just cares about eating everything in sight and having pooping privileged wherever she pretty much wants. Brittany (pictured in the .gif) is the crudest, most vulgar girl ever. She far surpasses anyone in rudeness and bitchiness and is about as bad as a Somali pirate. Mackenzie thinks she's the shit and sabotaged Shay Van Buren in the third game so she could destroy the dynasty of Van Buren head cheerleaders.

Most Popular Girls in School. 2013.
Pictured above is Saison Margeurite.
This show sounds like a terrible rip-off of high why is it voted a six(6)? The show was created by two guys and one lovely lady, Mark Cope, Carlo Moss, and Lily Vonnegut. They came up with this mini-series by voicing Barbie dolls and putting them in regular high-school situations but over-dramatizing it. It turns out, the first 20 or so episodes are absolutely to die for, some of the most hilarious videos I've ever seen. The fights and the witty, absolutely ridiculous lines that the people came up with were genius.

Family dynamics to sexuality to teenage pregnancy, all these issues are actually addressed in this mini-series, but it blends all of these real-life situations into comical spin-offs of what could actually happen in that situation.

If you want to be appalled, laughed, and find offensive humor over-the-top but exceptionally hilarious, sounds like the kind of show that....'how do you say...' should watch? Link to channel found at top of post.


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