The Princess Bride (MOVIE) directed by Rob Reiner

The Princess Bride. 1985. 
Wesley, farm boy turned pirate captain.
Buttercup, annoying brat turned annoying princess.
Directed by Rob Reiner
Notable Actors: Cary Elwes as Wesley, Dread Pirate Rogers, and The-Man-In-Black; Robyn Wright as the Princess Bride, Buttercup; Chris Saradon as Prince Humperdinck; Mandy Patinkin as Inigo Montoya; Andre the Giant as Fezzik; Wallace Shaw as Vizzini; Christopher Guest as Count Tyrone Rugen; Fred Savage as the Grandson; and Peter Falk as the Grandfather.

Rating: 9 out of 10.

A sick boy is in bed and his grandfather shows up to take care of him by reading a book. After getting through the doubt and asking if it was a 'kissing book', they dive into the story. Buttercup and the farm boy Wesley start growing and developing feelings for each other after she plagues him and tortures him a bit. He always says, "As you wish." afterwards to tell her that he loves her. Eventually, he is taken to be a sailor on a ship, where the Dread Pirate Rogers claims his ship. Everyone believes Wesley is dead because they take no prisoners. After deciding that she will never truly love again, through some sort of arrangement, she ends up betrothed to the Prince, Humperdinck. Its getting close to the wedding, and she is kidnapped by Vizzini, a man wishing to start a war. The Man in Black comes after Inigo, Fezzik, and Vizzini; with Vizzini not making it out of there alive. He bested them in steel (Inigo), Strength (Fezzik), and Wits (Vizzini.) Buttercup later figures out the Man in Black is Wesley, and is so excited to see him alive. They journey through the Fire Forest, known for freakishly large rats and lightening sand, and make it out to the other end where the prince is waiting. He agrees to spare Wesley if Buttercup comes with him, only to arrange that Count Tyrone Rugen should torture and kill him. The wedding comes and with the help of Wesley, Inigo and Fezzik wish to storm the castle and take revenge on Count Tyrone Rugen for Inigo's father's death. Wesley gets the past the guards and they end up taking the prince into ropes. They escape on white horses that Fezzik brought under the window, and Buttercup and Wesley live happily ever after.

He could pillage my village any day.
So I was skeptical to watch this movie. I hadn't seen it as a child and everyone kept raving on and on about it recently at my college. I understand why. It had action, fighting, love, and witty one liners. It's the most versatile way to tell a story, while following the 'rescue the princess' story arch. Wesley is my favorite character because of his lines, "Life is pain, Highness. Anyone who says differently is selling something."; "You wish to surrender to me? Very well, I accept."; "I do not envy you the headache you will have when you awake, but for now, rest well and dream of large women."; and my personal favorite of "There's a shortage of perfect breasts in the world, and it'd be a pity to damage yours." Also, it doesn't help that Wesley is sooooo freaking gorgeous I want to drool. The saliva puddles after this movie were amazing. He's literally the perfect man. Skilled, has a job, strong, smart, and funny...not to mention drop dead gorgeous even with that soup drainer on his face. I'd prolly just change his mustache.

Overall, this movie was entirely enjoyable, though I wish it had a more complex plot. It only deserved to be knocked down a point for that, considering how good all the rest of it is.


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