House of Cards (TV SERIES)
House of Cards. 2013. |
Season One
Format: Netflix
Genre: Politics, Drama
Rating: 10 out of 10
Set in the present day of Washington D.C., Frank Underwood is a Democrat from South Carolina's 5th Congressional District and House Majority Whip. After numerous help to political campaigns of the new president, Frank is excited, or rather enthralled, on becoming Secretary of State....until news returns that he is passed over and is still 'needed in the House.' Frank, the most intelligent and forceful man in the business, decides that its a load of crap and that he wants revenge on those who wronged him. With the help of his wife Claire, they both try to forward their own agenda against President Walker. This intricate and rather rock solid plan has Frank and Claire selecting pawns carefully and using them to tear apart structures. He begins a sexy, taut affair with young political reporter Zoe Barnes who releases information about Frank's enemies to move them out of the way. Peter Russo, the not the most clean-cut congressman, is used to undermine the power Senator Michael Kern, and puts in place his choice of Catherine Durant. Frank eventually also gets an education bill reform taken care of and is able to kiss ass to the president. After Russo is built up from his drug habits, Frank sends him back into that spiraling coma, while Russo ends up killing himself instead. The governor of Pennsylvania is up in air, the old governor is the VP, Russo is dead, and nobody has a clue what to do. The VP steps down to governor, and Frank is left open to secure that VP spot for himself, his plan all along.
Dean is in Zombie Mode. Supernatural. |
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