X-Men: Days of Future Past (MOVIE: 2014) directed by Bryan Singer

Directed by Bryan Singer
Notable Actors: Hugh Jackman as Wolverine, James McAvoy and Patrick Stewart as Charles Xaiver, Michael Fassbender and Ian McKellen as Magneto (Erik), Jennifer Lawrence as Raven/Mystique, Nicholas Hoult as Hank McCoy/Beast, Ellen Paige as Kitty Pryde, Halle Berry as Storm, Peter Dinklage as Dr. Boliver Trask, Omar Sy as Bishop, Shawn Ashmore as Bobby/IceMan, Evan Peters as Peter/Quicksilver, Josh Helman as Major Bill Stryker, Daniel Cudmore as Colossus, BingBing Fan as Blink, Adan Canto as Sunspot, Booboo Stewart as Warpath, Anna Paquin as Rogue, Lucas Till as Havok, Evan Jonigkeit as Toad, Gregg Lowe as Ink, Famke Janssen as Jean Grey, and James Marsden as Scott Summers.

That was the longest actor section I've ever written, but what else do you expect from X-Men?

Rating: 9 out of 10.
It is the year 2023 and the Sentinels rule the Earth. They have the express purpose of hunting down mutants. They were created and released in 1973. Now it is 50 years into the future, and the Sentinels not only find mutants, but hunt down humans who side with mutants, or may carry a mutant gene that would pass to their children. Professor X and the X-Men try their damndest to deal with the Sentinels, but the robots are adaptable and able to take on mutant abilities. Charles goes to his last pocket of mutants to stop them...by going back in time to stop it from happening. After all, hindsight is 20/20. Kitty Pryde is not only able to go through walls, but is able to send someone's consciousness back into the past. It's limited though, since the brain is fragile and can rip itself apart. Wolverine, aka Logan, is the only one able to go back, because of his rapid healing. Charles explains that it is Mystique who is responsible for the Sentinels. She learned about the Sentinels though her powers, and she sought out Bolivar Trask and killed him. She was caught and studied due to her ability to change, and was added to the Sentinel weapons so they could adapt. Logan is travel back to help younger Charles, who fell apart after Raven left him. He always was despondent due to a drug he took that let him walk, but left him unable to use his powers. Beast is the only one around the institute, and helps him out. Logan is also to find Magneto, which turns out, he's in a high-security prison in the Pentagon. They meet up with Quicksilver, and use him to bust Magneto out. He comments that his mom used to know a guy with the same power as Magneto, giving away an Easter Egg about how Quicksilver is Magneto's son. Charles doesn't want to kill the guards that stop them, but Magneto is all about it. Quicksilver jumps in and comically takes out the guards and redirects the bullets, making time stand still in the process.

A cut scene to Trask reveals a room full of officials of various worldwide governments to convince them of the mutant threats. His funding is expensive, and the US governement shot that request down so quickly, its hard to imagine they work with that efficiency. He demonstrates that the robots lack any metal on them, and are built with the ability to tell mutants from non-mutants, only to have it go off when its pointed at Mystique, disguised as a Vietnamese official. Logan, Charles, and Erik enter the room and stop Mystique just before she can shoot Trask. Charles' persuasion doesn't work and Erik takes the gun from her. She is the biggest threat to mutants because of her unique DNA and aims the gun at her to kill her. She turns back into Raven, worried about her life and pleading with Charles to take control of Magneto. While everything is shit in a handbasket, Logan gets rocky when he sees Stryker, who will in the future perform the Weapon X Program on him. His connection between future and past is rocky. Past Logan appears for a bit, and Charles just tells him that someone gave him some bad acid, for which Logan passes out then. Erik ends up shooting Mystique, but clipping her in the leg. The paparazzi catches shot of Mystique running away. They see Magneto levitating outside and he drags Mystique off with him. Beast attacks though as Magneto restrains him. Logan snaps back to future in past body and him and Charles pick up Hank to go and plot whats to happen next.

Society is now in a panic, and Nixon gives Trask the go-ahead on the Sentinels. He promises Nixon at least eight of them, and the president arranges a press conference to introduce them to the world. Mystique confronts Erik later and he confesses that he no longer wants to kill her, since Trask already has her DNA, due to the bullet wound. Charles' legs start to go and people's thoughts come back. Hank rushes to get serum. Charles reveals that he uses the serum not to walk, but to block out other's thoughts. Logan convinces Charles to not take it, since they need his power to find Mystique. Charles then reads Logan's mind, because cerebro hasn't been used in ten years, and he's rusty. He has a telepathic conversation with his older self, and future Charles tells him that pain is used to help other people in the end. He shows him that Charles' power has helped many people, and will help them in Young Xavier's future. Magneto is then shown taking bit from the train tracks and putting them into the Sentinels, so he will be able to manipulate them.

Magneto breaks into a vault, and grabs the helmet that he's famous for. Looks like everyone is departing for Washington D.C. He levitates a sport stadium, and moves it to the press conference at the White House for Trask's Sentinel unveiling. A battle between past and future are all happening at the same time, everyone is going through to try and save their lives. Magneto breaks the bunker out of the White House that Nixon and Trask were hiding in. The future mutants are seen then, being killed one by one. Colossus, then Bishop, Warpath, and Sunspot. Blink tries to keep them at bay with Magneto and IceMan is the last stand to keep them at bay. Wolverine in the past is impaled by Erik and thrown into the river, where he drowns. Magneto points the cameras at the press conference to himself saying why the Sentinels were created, and that a new world order with only mutants should be allowed. Nixon steps forward, to kill himself, but is revealed as Mystique. Mystique shoots Erik, takes off his helmet, and leaves him for Charles. Mystique then takes the gun who was aiming it at Trask, and points out to Mystique that she is now a hero in society's eyes. He urges her do to the right thing. He gives Mystique the power to make the choice in the end though. Mystique dropped the gun, Magneto flees the scene, and the Sentinel program is shut down, with Trask being indicted for treason.

The future is restored, and Logan wakes up in the mansion. He knows the plan has worked, and he confronts Charles and asks him to tell him what happened between 1973 to now, Charles welcomes him back. Charles explains that when you change one effect, ripples can happen, and change more. Logan's body is recovered by Major Stryker, or so we think, and it turns out that it is actually Mystique.

Post-Credit scene in the movie theater has a puny, blue mutant with hundreds of people bowing to him, chanting the name En Sabah Nur. His powers help him levitate the pyramids, and we get a cut to four people on horseback. It alludes to Apocalypse and his Four Horsemen.

X-Men is one of my favorite fandoms of all time, and I just was so excited my parents took me last weekend to see it. They came all the way across the state to take me to see my favorite movie franchise. Worth every minute and penny. This was stupid good. Stupid. I can't believe anyone would read the spoiler and not go see the movie. DO IT, GO SEE IT NOW. BE LOUD AND PROUD. I loved the Easter Eggs, the differences between Old and Young Charles/Erik, and how Mystique found the humanity that was in her, buried deep after spending her time with Erik, who only learned hatred and anger.


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