My Name is Earl (TV SHOW)

The cast of My Name is Earl.
Season One
Format: Netflix
Genre: Comedy

Rating: 9 out of 10

Earl Hickey is a petty criminal and a thief at heart. He's picked on people, stolen numerous things, broke other people's possessions, and ruined more holidays for his loved ones than anyone else has ever done. Earl goes into a gas station to steal some breakfast for him and his brother Randy, and ends up stealing $10 from a guy's pocket. He figures, "what the heck" and decides to buy a lottery ticket. He immediately wins $100,000 only to run into the street and be hit by a car. He loses the ticket and consciousness, only to wake up finding out that he is now divorced from his wife Joy, an evil and selfish white hillbilly piece of trash. He thinks the ticket is lost forever, till it shows up at his feet at the motel he rented out with Randy. His maid, a foxy and illegal alien named Catalina, comes into the group fold as well. Joy remarries the daddy of one of the children she got pregnant with when married to Earl, a lovable man named Darnell, who Earl dubs the 'Crab Man.' While in the hospital, Earl watches Carson Daily, and learns that karma, a force in the universe, controls that if you do good things in life, good things will happen to you. He creates a list of everything wrong he's done in his life, and one by one, he's trying to right those wrongs.

So, I didn't go in-depth with this summary,because I can't summarize over 20+ episodes into a short this show has so many quotes, that it's ridiculous. This show focuses on a group of trailer trash criminals and their interactions with each other. Joy is the crudest woman on two legs and think she's still hot stuff after two kids, and walks around like a margarita machine drinking. Crab Man, aka Darnell, just goes along with anything and is the chillest man ever. Catalina has crazy stories about her past and what to do in a Mexican stand-off. Randy is a dimwitted idiot who is just plain lovable, though eccentric. Earl, is the leader of the pack of white trash morons that control his life, and he has to solve all the issues that go on with it. I watched this show years ago with my father, and it was one of my favorites then. I didn't remember much before I pulled it out to re-watch it over again. Best re-watch decisions I ever made in fact.

If you are looking to be stumped with stupidity, but feel good about it at the end of the day, maybe learn a life lesson or two, watch My Name is Earl.


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