Disenchantment (TV SHOW)

An elf, a princess and a demon. Sounds like a joke.
Part Two
Format: Netflix
Genre: Cartoon, adult cartoon, comedy, American comedy

Rating: 7 out of 10. 

From the same crew that brought you Futurama, here's the reversal of that. The Dark Ages. Literally. They went in to the future and now went into the past. The show came out with a second part to it's first season, which was confusing cause I was looking for images from the second season to low and behold, no second season...soooo, let's just get into this shit. Princess Tiabeanie aka Bean, catches up with her mother, Dagmar, who is a native of Maru. They set sail for Maru and leaving Dreamland behind. Oona, Bean's stepmother, tries catching up but Dagmar takes her necklace and straps her to the bottom of the ocean, forgetting that Oona is part lizard and can survive under water. Dagmar's siblings are the ones that actually created Luci to convince her from being good. Dagmar reveals that their family is full of dangerous murderers and are crazy af. Bean believes she may be crazy as well. Jerry, the simpleton who isn't actually crazy, tries to keep her safe. Dagmar turned the whole kingdom into stone, Bean is essentially the Herald of Hell. Bean contacts Elfo in Heaven to make him meet them up in Hell. 

The crew is in Hell and discovers that Elfo is here getting there because he insulted Jerry while in Heaven. They are confronted by Luci's superiors where he learns that Luci tricked them into getting into Hell and he promotes them as a demon. This is where is gets retarded cause Luci goes back and forth between helping and betraying Bean and Elfo so they can escape Hell. The escape Hell, find out the Elfo's body is on Mermaid Island and set sail for Dreamland. Oona is finally rescued by pirates, takes control of them and gives them tons of booty. 

Queen Oona
Oona takes over as the queen of the pirate ship, which is convenient because she also divorced King Zog. Derek, their son, takes it well because this entire time, he's been a weird loner chilling in his room in the tower the entire time. Oona becomes a dope pirate captain and leaves Dreamland actually on good terms with Zog. 

At this point, Bean has reoccurring nightmares about her psycho mom who tried drilling a crown into her head (it was a cool crowd). Bean gets annoyed and finds symbols from Maru all over the castle. Too bad her dad doesn't notice because he found a bear selkie in the woods and fell in love with her. Ursula doesn't act like a real classy woman, so everyone of course hates her. Which is BS cause she's the perfect equivolent to Zog. 

Being true to the grossness that was the Dark Ages, there is a whole day called "Wash Day" were everyone spends the day just cleaning their one outfit they wear the rest of the year. All the elves now living in Dreamland have no clue what it is, so  they drink all the water being swept away in the city and get ill. The trio goes on a quest to get a cure all from the ogres called the Legenberry. The episode for this one is very...anticlimatic. The Ogre Queen helps them get a berry and lets them go down the secret passage to escape. 

Bean keeps helping local elves because of Elfo and accidentally helps trolls who are trying to steal from her dad, Derek makes friends with a slimy one-eyed octopus and King Zog tries to get the rich people's disease of gout. That alone is one episode. I feel like this show, writing a review for it, is hard because I wouldn't necessarily have to watch this show in order. It's got enough contained stories that it changes every episode or so and it makes it difficult to write a review. 

If you were in to Futurama, you'll be in to this show. It's humorous and made by many of the same people. I think the majority of the charm of this show is built on the one-liners that is hard to capture in a review. So while this isn't the best review of it, it's pretty shoddy (see what I did there...), you'll find it better to check it out yourself.


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