It’s been a really weird time in my life. 
This blog has been dead for years. Years. And I somehow was thinking about. “God, I wish I reviewed videos and movies and pop culture references again. 

So why don’t I? So much literature, so much video, so MUCH MOVIES. WHY NOT START IT UP AGAIN? This blog used to be good for me to discover more content to watch. 

So I will. I’m going to make this a blog again. I’ll be the shoddiest, suckiest writer again. Dancing the line ofappropriate and not. Reviewing whatever the hell I want. Why not?

This is more like a life post. My life changed a lot. When this blog was first founded, I was in college, not making a whole bunch of money and a whole bunch of time on my hands. I loved design though. And moviesand Netflix just became my best friend. 

Since then, I’ve become the coolest dude ever.

I’ve traveled the world. Saw and conquered and still happy that I’m staying in the military right now. However, I learned more. I worked in video and photos and learned more about it. Maybe I can serve you better. I know it’ll take a while to get to this blog again. But it’sworth it. 

If you want to see more about what I did in my life thepast few years. Follow me on Instagram @bird_bones_busto


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